"What Hearing people who work with the Deaf think of of music is not what we Deaf think.
We value eyes, hands, motion, and rhythm!
These things are the basic elements of communication, language, and art in Deaf culture.
Voices, instruments, and sound are NOT very important in our culture. Our world is a rich, visual world! It is true that many hard of hearing people love music.
Very few people who are "stone Deaf" enjoy music."
Many of us feel intimidated by those who are different from us. It is often hard for people to feel comfortable around the deaf because it is difficult to communicate with them. It is especially hard for one to do three difficult tasks at once: Feel comfortable with someone deaf, communicate with a deaf person, and ask someone out Deafness is a condition wherein the ability to detect certain frequencies of sound is completely or partially impaired. When applied to humans, the term hearing impaired is rejected by the Deaf Culture movement, where the terms deaf and hard-of-hearing are preferred.
Pre-lingual deafness
Prelingual deafness is hearing impairment that is sustained prior to the acquisition of language, which can occur as a result of a congenital condition or through hearing loss in early infancy. Prelingual deafness impairs an individual's ability to acquire a spoken language, but children born into signing families rarely have delays in language development. Most pre-lingual hearing impairment is acquired via either disease or trauma rather than genetically inherited, so families with deaf children nearly always lack previous experience with sign language.
Post-lingual deafness
Post-lingual deafness is hearing impairment that is sustained after the acquisition of language, which can occur as a result of disease, trauma, or as a side-effect of a medicine. Typically, hearing loss is gradual and often detected by family and friends of affected individuals long before the patients themselves will acknowledge the disability.[citation needed] Common treatments include hearing aids and learning lip reading for deaf people.Post-lingual deafness is far more common than pre-lingual deafness.