The impulse noise from firearms is as intense as 132-165 Db and thus extremely dangerous to
A Polish study including 18 hunters and 8 police trainees, with average ages of 46.2 years and
25.2 years, respectively, found that as many as 72.2 percent of hunters suffered from hearing
loss. Only 11.1% had completely normal hearing, and the remaining 16.7% had normal hearing
only in the ear furthest away from the rifle.
The hunters had never used hearing protection while hunting. The police trainees had always
used hearing protection when practising target shooting and none of them suffered from
measurable hearing loss.
In a comparison of the two groups their hearing was examined before and after a number of
test gunshots. Changes were noted in the hearing of the hunters, whereas no measurable
changes were found in the police trainees after the test shots. The latter group wore hearing
protection throughout the test shooting.
The study indicated that long-term exposure to gunshot blasts is not the only hazard when
using firearms. Even short-term exposure can cause temporary hearing damage and make the
ear more susceptible to noise damage later on.
On the plus side, the study confirmed that hearing protection prevents hearing loss. The use of
hearing protection is therefore highly recommended when using firearms.
Source; International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
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